LELO Sex Position of the Week: Reverse Cowgirl sex story tips


Position Difficulty: 3.5/5


A position that requires deliberate movement rather than evolving from non-penetrative play, Reverse Cowgirl is a sex position that is definitely worth taking a moment to switch into. Being on top puts the receiver in perfect control which lends itself to different body-sizes and fitness levels; you can bob straight up and down or lean forward and ‘slide’ a backward and forward to really  stimulate your G-spot.

This doesn’t mean that you partner needs to lie back idly―they can help lift your hips if you need extra support, or even use their core to bounce you up and down if they’re strong enough! If you’re feeling a bit kinky, it also puts you in a perfect position to receive some erotic spanking.


With the fantastic view your partner is getting during this partner, not to mention that you may be using your hands on other sensitive parts of their anatomy, you both might be worried that your ride might be over far too quickly. Adding a couples’ ring like TOR 2 can do just the thing, as well as offer the receiver some powerful vibrations to bring them to a clitoral orgasm.

If you’re worried about feeling disconnected from your partner, this can be remedied if your bed (or couch, table, etc) has a mirror beside it; you can  both watch each other’s expressions of pleasure while getting the extra turn of a pseudo-sex tape situation―without the incriminating evidence!

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